Pirates and Smugglers, 16th - 17th July 2011

Arundel Castle

Now the Weather Gods were up to their mischief this weekend, and there wasn�t much that they didn�t throw at us. But amidst the torrential rain, wind, thunder and lightning, a truly excellent weekend took place. Joining us were the 2nd Regiment of Foot and Jaki Lake, in her role as The Shadow, a notorious, but very ravishingly good looking Highway Woman.

Somewhere between the chaos of Papa Labelle�s raids on the Red Coats camp, the shoot outs, misfiring pirate pistols, and executions there was a thoroughly good event. I must say that all in the 2nd Regiment entered into the spirit of it all very well, and offer my thanks for their support, and cake.

And to Papa and Pixies �ship� or redoubt or pile of logs, it was a brave effort boys, but we were well and truly over run and done for! More substantial effort required next year methinks.

Thanks to Many Linn and Derren Marshall for still managing to provide have-ago-archery and fencing, despite the rain and wind. Much appreciated.

For all those that braved the weather, my thanks. It was an excellent weekend, and plenty to build upon for next year.

Credits - 2nd Regiment of Foot